
Out of the Shadows seeks to guide students to an understanding of the experiences of underrepresented groups of servicemen and servicewomen. In particular, the focus is placed on underrepresented groups of Korean War Veterans, including Hispanics, African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, and women. Listening to the voices of select veterans, students will gain new knowledge related to the history of discrimination in American society – particularly in the U.S. military. Students will observe change over time and offer analysis by considering prior knowledge of racial inequalities in the United States.

The Heart of Social Studies


Out of the Shadows seeks to guide students to an understanding of the experiences of underrepresented groups of servicemen and servicewomen. In particular, the focus is placed on underrepresented groups of Korean War Veterans, including Hispanics, African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, and women. Listening to the voices of select veterans, students will gain new…

This inquiry leads students through an investigation of the various types of information represented in pictures and in words. By investigating the compelling question, students examine what can be learned by looking at a series of pictures and comparing them with what can be learned by reading the words in a story. By completing this…

This inquiry leads students through an investigation of the construct of a “hero” and the actions of those who, starting on 9/12, were engaged in the rescue, recovery, and cleanup operations for the next nine months. Those attacks and the aftermath have now passed from current event to history. By focusing on a relatively recent…

This inquiry leads students through an investigation of the various roles of professionals who work in the community. While the focus of this inquiry is limited primarily to first responders, teachers could expand the discussion to include other community helpers or “school helpers” such as the custodial staff, cafeteria staff, librarians, etc. By focusing on…

This inquiry leads students through an investigation of the concept of “courage” in general, and the actions of those who responded to the 9/11 attacks, more specifically. Those attacks, over 10 years ago, have now passed from current event to history. By focusing on a relatively recent event, students should see that history is not…

This inquiry leads students through an investigation of the conflict between the institution of slavery and the new nation’s founding ideals. Black voices are noticeably absent in the early United States’ narrative, but by investigating Black geniuses such as John Parker, Charlotte Dupuy and Lewis, and Harriett Hayden we can honor their resistance, perseverance and…

This inquiry leads students through an investigation of the Mexican Revolution. By investigating the compelling question, students examine justice; by completing this inquiry, students begin to understand that revolutions may not bring justice to all.

This inquiry leads students through an investigation of representation in the Senate. The fact that representation in the U.S. Senate ignores the size of each state’s population has both benefits and challenges. As students work through the supporting questions, formative tasks, and featured sources, they are able to explore those benefits and challenges and decide…

This action-embedded inquiry leads students through an investigation of how they can make a difference in their community. By featuring an opportunity for students to think through the issues that surround them, the inquiry enables them to choose one to work on, to decide what kinds of action they could take, to assess the challenges…

This inquiry focuses on examining two pieces of Holocaust survivor art to explore how art can express the pain of the Holocaust. The questions, tasks, and sources in this inquiry asks students to examine two sculptures created by a Holocaust survivor using Visual Thinking Strategies then use their observations to drive discussion and analysis during…