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C3Teachers.org needs teachers like you to join in. Tell us how the C3 framework is affecting your social studies classroom. What are the most important questions facing social studies today? How can social studies be revitalized in this age of educational reform? How do you see the C3 Framework being used in your classroom, school and district? How do you use inquiry in your classroom?  Drop us a line using our comment page. Sign up for our newsletter. And, become a C3 Teacher! Join us in exploring new opportunities as we work together to revitalize social studies through the classroom implementation of the C3 Framework.

C3Teachers.org facilitates open collaborative conversations among teachers as they tinker with their own instructional practice as it relates to the C3 Framework. In doing so, we collectively move towards best practices, new ideas, lessons learned, inspiring stories, materials…anything that improves our cause. By joining C3Teachers.org you’ll have access to the latest information about the C3 Framework and you’ll be able to add your voice the community of social studies teachers committed to making social studies real.

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