About the inquiry

This inquiry leads students through an investigation of the construct of a “hero” and the actions of those who, starting on 9/12, were engaged in the rescue, recovery, and cleanup operations for the next nine months. Those attacks and the aftermath have now passed from current event to history. By focusing on a relatively recent event, students should see that history is not resigned to the distant past. Moreover, by featuring individuals and groups who responded to the 9/11 attacks in a variety of ways, students should see that history consists of more than the actions of a famous few.

Compelling Question

What Makes a Hero?

Staging Question

After watching a video about the attacks on 9/11 and the work that began on 9/12, identify examples of heroic behavior.

Summative Performance Task

Argument: What makes a hero? Construct an argument that addresses the compelling question using a bulleted outline of claims and relevant evidence based on the sources provided.

Extension: Make a poster representing the qualities of the individual(s) students identified as heroic.

Taking Informed Action

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