
Questions with Boldness

The Virginia C3 Hub provides access to a wide range of sources for using inquiry in the classroom. Teachers in Fairfax County have taken the lead to develop new inquiry materials, and Virginia has a rich tradition of inquiry. Check out the Virginia materials below to nurture all students’ critical thinking skills.

The Virginia Inquiry Collaborative

Virginia’s History and Social Science Standards of Learning (SOL)  emphasize the importance of developing students’ skills through social studies content.  Revised in 2015, the  SOL  identify social science skills which recognize “the interrelationships between history, geography, economics, and civics content. The development of these skills is important in order for students to become better-informed citizens.”  One way to foster student curiosity and ability to navigate a range of informational sources is to ask classes to investigate compelling questions generated by both teachers and students. These open-ended, relevant, and thought-provoking questions can be revisited by students as they revise their claims and justification.  Indeed, it is through inquiry that students can best construct their understanding of the past and become active participants of society in the present.

In June of 2020, approximately  80 teachers partnered with experts from museums, historic sites, and academic institutions to begin designing inquiries with the expressed purpose of creating a more anti racist, anti biased, and culturally responsive curricula.    These inquiries were designed using the Inquiry Design Model (IDM), a distinctive approach to creating curriculum and instructional materials that honors teachers’ knowledge and expertise, avoids over prescription, and focuses on the main elements of the instructional design process as envisioned in the Inquiry Arc of the C3 Framework. 

The Heart of Social Studies

Featured Inquiries

This inquiry leads students to examine the ways that African Americans were leading voices in an ongoing effort to guarantee equal rights and freedoms for all people in the United States. Contrary to the oft repeated narrative that the US Government benevolently granted freedoms to African Americans, the questions, tasks, and sources in this inquiry…

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This inquiry focuses on the causes of the American Revolution in light of feelings of injustice among social classes. Students typically learn about the experiences of people during the American Revolution in simple categories such as loyalist and patriots. In reality, there were varied experiences that reflect social class, gender, race, and ethnicity. In this…

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This inquiry focuses on the question of whether Antebellum technology made life better overall for people and how certain inventions impacted groups of people differently. Four innovations—the cotton gin, mechanical reaper, steamboat, and steam locomotive—were particularly impactful in the 19th century. These inventions came about quickly as part of the First Industrial Revolution, which was…

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This inquiry leads students through an investigation of historical and contemporary US immigration policy and how the policies stack up against the idea that United States is a “nation of immigrants.”. It is part of a series of lessons commissioned by the Democracy Project at the University of Virginia centered around the podcast Democracy in…

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This inquiry leads students through an investigation of historical and contemporary social, political, and economic issues posed by mass incarceration. It is part of a series of lessons commissioned by the Democracy Project at the University of Virginia centered around the podcast Democracy in Danger. Democracy in Danger lessons share some basic characteristics. The compelling…

This inquiry leads students through an investigation of the right to vote as articulated (or not) in the Constitution and the historical and current challenges with voting and election administration. In addressing the compelling question, students will consider the connection of voting to the functioning of our democratic-republic. Students will then investigate what the text…

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This inquiry leads students through an investigation of the challenges posed by hate groups to young people as a lens for understanding the problems posed by xenophobia more broadly. It is part of a series of lessons commissioned by the Democracy Project at the University of Virginia centered around the podcast Democracy in Danger. Democracy…

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This inquiry leads students through an investigation of what can be done about our polluted media environment. The inquiry uses an ecological metaphor to understand our media environment to better understand the causes, effects, and potential solutions to addressing the problem. The inquiry sets up a dichotomy in the ways to potentially address the problem….

This inquiry focuses on the rights of citizenship that African Americans were denied following Reconstruction. Though the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments were passed in order to guarantee citizenship rights to freedmen, many states passed laws that limited these rights. In this inquiry, students will examine ways rights of citizenship were denied by many states…

This inquiry focuses on the myriad of injustices inflicted upon people of color during the colonial period, and how these early interactions and acts of oppression provided a foundation for the racial injustices still experienced in America today. From Europeans’ first contact with American Indians, to the subjugation of African slaves, a hierarchy based on…

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This inquiry focuses on the concept of equality as defined by the Declaration of Independence and the rights enumerated within. The questions, tasks, and sources in this inquiry asks students to examine the evolution of our notion of “all men are created equal” and how we have lived up to (or not lived up to)…

This inquiry focuses on the uneven impacts of the New Deal policies with a focus on the experiences of everyday Americans living in the South. It is intended to expand students’ existing understanding of the New Deal by engaging in analysis around issues of equity and perspective. The questions, tasks, and sources in this inquiry…

This inquiry focuses on why enslaved people resisted slavery, the ways in which enslaved people showed resistance despite risks and the results of resistance. The questions, tasks, and sources in this inquiry asks students to examine the cultural, economic and political impacts of resistance to slavery. The first supporting question asks, “What about the daily…

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This inquiry focuses on the ways in which African Americans have been able to construct their own freedom in the face of injustice, violence, and white backlash following emancipation and in the era of Reconstruction and beyond. The questions, tasks, and sources in this inquiry ask students to examine the political, social, and economic successes…

This inquiry provides students with an opportunity to examine nine of China’s most impactful innovations and their contributions to the modern world. These innovations and inventions fall into three categories: 1) Communication innovations including, written language, paper, and printing; 2) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) innovations including the compass, the Great Wall of China,…

This inquiry focuses on the impact of the flooding of the Nile River on ancient Egypt, specifically the costs and benefits of the flooding. Through examination and analysis of various photographs, videos, and article excerpts, students will consider how these sources can be used to convey the impact of flooding on multiple groups of people…

is inquiry focuses on the government of Ancient Greece, specifically the creation of the Greek democracy. The questions, tasks, and sources in this inquiry asks students to consider the meaning of democracy and whose voices were heard in the original democracy and whose were not. Through analysis of videos, photographs of ancient artifacts, political cartoons…

This inquiry focuses on understanding how the Kingdom of Mali became a center of wealth in West Africa. The questions, tasks, and sources in this inquiry asks students to analyze a variety of primary and secondary sources to determine the most important factor for generating wealth in Mali: geography, trade, or religion. The first supporting…

This inquiry focuses on the social hierarchy of ancient Rome, viewed through the lens of statues that tell us about life during this time. Through analysis of videos, photographs of ancient statues, and images of architectural reliefs, students develop an argument supported by evidence that answers the compelling question, “What stories should statues tell about…

C3 Inquiries from Fairfax County

History and Social Science Inquiries

The Virginia C3 Hub includes a unique set of inquiries developed by Fairfax County Public Schools teachers. This collection recognizes that social studies courses are often surveys that cover a wide breadth of content. However, in-depth exploration, even in a survey course, can still be part of the learning experiences teachers provide for their students. By using a variety of sources, instructional practices, and assessments, these inquiries are designed so that students expand both their content knowledge and skill development. Check out the Inquiries below!

What are the effects of US involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan since the Gulf War?

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How Do Dictators Achieve and Maintain Power?

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How Much is too Much? Government Involvement in the U.S. Economy

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How did the Media Influence the Outcome of WWII?

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How did Nature Impact the Development of Ancient Societies?

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What Influenced the Creation of the U.S. Constitution?

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What Rights Should the Accused Have?

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Is Sharing and Trading Across Cultures a Good Thing?

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What Made Africa, Africa?

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How has Terrorism Changed The United States?

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Why has the United Nations Failed to Prevent Genocide?

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To What Extent Do Americans Distrust the Process for Making Public Policy?

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Which Caesar was a Better Leader?

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Inquiries from George Washington’s Mount Vernon

Check out these inquiries from the education team at George Washington’s Mount Vernon.

What does it take to be a good President?

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Did we form a stable government?

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A Model for Taking Informed Action

As Virginia moves towards the increased use of performance and authentic assessments, options need to be made available for teacher consideration and use. Dimension 4 of the C3 Framework,“Taking Informed Action”, provides an opportunity for social studies education to be relevant and meaningful for students. This 4 step process can be used by teachers to conceptualize the type of informed action in which students will partake.

More on the C3 and Global Citizenship

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. UN Sustainable Development goal #7

Modern energy is the focus of one of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) put forward by the United Nations’ Division for Sustainable Development. These 17 sustainable development goals offer teachers and students an opportunity to emphasize C3 Framework’s focus on action in a global context. Inquiry-based resources coming soon on Virginia C3 Hub will feature the 17 SDGs along with related opportunities for student action. By engaging in informed action that involves contemporary global issues, students develop competencies in a global context. This scope better prepares students to navigate, understand, and act in a future that is increasingly complex and interconnected. Learn more about the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals here.