About the inquiry

This inquiry leads students through an investigation of how the Gutenberg Press allowed for the Bible to be spread geographically, linguistically, and socially (who in society could access the Bible). Students will learn what materials and utensils were used to write the Bible before the Gutenberg Press, how the Gutenberg Press allowed for greater access to the Bible, and where the Bible, as a result of Gutenberg’s invention, spread.

Compelling Question

How did the Gutenberg Press Impact the Bible’s Influence?

Staging Question

Discuss the difficulties of spreading the Bible before and after the invention of the Gutenberg Press using the “Telephone Game” activity.

Summative Performance Task

Argument: Construct an argument (e.g., detailed outline, poster, essay, podcast) that answers the compelling question “How did the Gutenberg Press impact the Bible’s influence?” using specific claims and relevant evidence from sources while acknowledging competing views.

Extension: Create a short children’s book explaining how the Gutenberg Press impacted the spread of the bible using https://bookcreator.com/ or https://www.storyboardthat.com/

Taking Informed Action

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