About the inquiry

This inquiry leads students through an investigation of Sikhism and the challenges and opportunities the Sikh community has faced over time. By investigating the compelling question “How do religious communities respond to challenges and opportunities?” students evaluate how the Sikh community has responded to different social, historical, and political changes as members immigrated and integrated into the United States.

Compelling Question

How Do Religious Communities Respond to Challenges and Opportunities?

Staging Question

Have a class discussion using the following questions: How has the appearance of the Gurdwara evolved over time? What do you think are the factors which led to these changes?

Summative Performance Task

Argument: Construct an argument (e.g., detailed outline, poster, essay) that discusses the compelling question using specific claims and relevant evidence from historical and contemporary sources.

Extension: Research recent challenges and opportunities Sikhs have faced in the United States and how the Sikh community is responding. Explore the work done by the Sikh Coalition www.sikhcoalition.org as a starting point for this research.

Taking Informed Action

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