About the inquiry

This seventh grade annotated inquiry provides students with an opportunity to explore how words affect public opinion through an examination of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Students will investigate historical sources related to the novel and reactions in the North and South in order to address the compelling question, “Can words lead to war?” This query takes advantage of the mixed messages students often receive about the power of words. Students’ understanding about how words can make a difference is often grounded in discussions of words used to bully, instead of the power of words to encourage reform. This is an ANNOTATED inquiry with additional information on the questions, tasks, and sources within.

Compelling Question

Can Words lead to war?

Staging Question

Consider the power of words and examine a video of students using words to try to bring about positive change.

Summative Performance Task

Argument: Can words lead to war? Construct an argument (e.g., detailed outline, poster, essay) that discusses the impact of Uncle Tom’s Cabin using specific claims and relevant evidence from historical sources, while acknowledging competing views.

Extension: Create an educational video of the argument that responds to the compelling question “Can words lead to war?”

Taking Informed Action

Understand: Identify and describe a human rights issue that needs to be addressed (e.g., child labor, trafficking, or poverty).

Assess: Create a list of possible actions that involve words. This may include letters, editorials, social media, videos, and protests.

Act: Choose one of the options and implement it as an individual, small group, or class project.