Supporting Question
What market forces impacted the demand for cotton in the early 1800s?
Formative Tasks
Students construct a demand and supply T-chart and add examples of demand side market forces to the chart.
Source A: Capitalism, Desmond, 2019 <br />
Source B: America's First Great Recession, Roberts, 2012<br />
Source C: Cotton, cotton trade of the United States, 1884<br />
Source D: Staunton Spectator, 1892
Supporting Question
What market forces impacted the supply of cotton in the early 1800s?
Formative Tasks
Students add examples of supply side market forces to the T chart and summarize findings.
Source A: Chained Migration, Miles, 2019 <br />
Source B: Mississippi cotton gin at Dahomey, 1899<br />
Source C: United States slave trade, 1830 <br />
Source D: Cotton picking, Mississippi, 1896 <br />
Source E: Cherokee Agency, 1838<br />
Source F: The Native American - 3rd Column, 1839
Supporting Question
How did economic and political factors contribute to the brutality of slavery in the early 1800s?
Formative Tasks
Students construct an annotated timeline that portrays key political and economic changes and their impact on slavery.
Source A: Cotton in a Global Economy, Dattel, 2017. <br />
Source B: The Forced Migration of Enslaved People in the United States, 2011<br />
Source C: The ship GLAD TIDINGS, ,1865<br />
Source D: The History of American Slavery, Rothman, 2015<br />
Source E: Fred Economic Data, St.Louis Federal Reserve
Supporting Question
How did economic and political factors contribute to the Panic of 1837?
Formative Tasks
Students add key political and economic changes and their impact on the Panic of 1837 to annotated timeline from Task 3.
Source A: New edition of MacBeth. Bank-oh's! Ghost, Clay, E. W. & Robinson, H. R. ,1837<br />
Source B: Morning herald, 1837<br />
Source C: Uncle Sam sick with la grippe Clay, E. W. & Robinson, H. R. ,1837