Supporting Question
What was communicated about troop movements in telegrams sent during the Battle of Gettysburg?
Formative Tasks
Using selected telegrams and a map with locations mentioned in those telegrams, list examples of the movement of troops before, during, and after the Battle of Gettysburg.
Source A: Halleck telegram to Meade June 29, 1863 <br />
Source B: Couch telegram to Meade, July 1, 1863 <br />
Source C: Kelley telegram to Townsend, July 2, 1863 <br />
Source D: Thomas telegram to Stanton, July 3, 1863 <br />
Source E: Couch telegram to Meade, July 4, 1863 <br />
Source F: Thomas telegram to Stanton, July 4, 1863 <br />
Source G: Map of selected troop locations in Battle of Gettysburg
Supporting Question
How did telegrams announce battles, victories, and defeats during the Battle of Gettysburg?
Formative Tasks
Create a series of newspaper headlines announcing the military actions described in the telegrams.
Source A: Thomas telegram to Stanton, July 3, 1863 <br />
Source B: Couch telegram to Stanton, July 3, 1863 <br />
Source C: Couch telegram to Meade, July 4, 1863 <br />
Source D: Kelley telegram to Townsend, July 4, 1863
Supporting Question
Other than troop movements and military actions, what information was communicated in telegrams from the Battle of Gettysburg?
Formative Tasks
Participate in a fishbowl discussion about topics mentioned in the telegrams.
Source A: Couch telegram to Stanton, July 3, 1863 <br />
Source B: Couch telegram to Meade, July 3, 1863 <br />
Source C: Couch telegram to Ingalls, July 3, 1863 <br />
Source D: Meade telegram to Couch, July 3, 1863