By Scott Abbott
August 2, 2014
High school teachers in DC Public Schools have spent four weeks this summer learning about the C3 Framework, inquiry-based instruction, and curriculum design as part of the BLISS program (Building Literacy in Social Studies). Teachers are writing 20 instructional modules which combine elements of the LDC template with the C3 Framework and these modules will be available for use in all required high school social studies courses in DC.
Social Studies Scope and Sequence documents for grades 6-12 have been revised to incorporate elements of the C3 Framework with the goal of outlining how inquiry can frame instruction for the full the year and within each unit of study.
The DC Public Schools are also in the process of designing growth assessments for grades 6-8 social studies, which will be the first-ever district-wide assessments for social studies. These assessments will include a mixture of PARCC-style Common Core aligned multiple choice and constructed response, with at least 30% of the items dual-aligning to DC Power Content standards and C3 Framework indicators from Dimensions 1, 3, and 4.
Secondary social studies teachers in DC Public Schools will be engaging in a series of district-wide professional development events during the 2014-15 school year to help teachers understand and apply the instructional shifts of the C3 Framework. Each professional learning experience will be designed to model the principles of inquiry, disciplinary literacy, and civic engagement represented in the C3.
Our partner on the C3 module work has created an updated page on their website here: http://www.inspiredteaching.org/programs/district-partnerships/dc/bliss-high-school