Welcome to the launch of the Global C3 Hub! 

Hello! My name is Nada Wafa, and I’m excited to share with you more of what C3Teachers has to offer. We would like to present our new organizational C3 Global hub on C3Teachers.org, featuring a variety of global inquiries that can be used year-round to build students’ critical thinking, awareness, and understanding about global issues, topics, and dispositions. 

Inquiry is the perfect pedagogical approach for helping students explore complex global topics and issues. We’re building the Global Hub so teachers and students anywhere in the world can engage with compelling and supporting questions using accurate and factual sources to gain a deeper appreciation of the world we live in today. 

We invite you to use the inquiries listed on the Hub and make them your own. We are including new inquiries and existing inquiries arranged to meet the needs of teachers focusing on global issues. On the Global Hub, we are presenting a collection of existing inquiries that are organized to align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Be sure to check them out. Hopefully, you’ll find a few that will support your own classroom curriculum. Also included on the Hub is a featured inquiry on the benefits and consequences of fossil fuels. See more at https://c3teachers.org/global-hub/

We are beyond grateful for the opportunity to share our educational resources worldwide. We hope that the inquiries you find on the Global Hub will help you bring more meaning and informed perspectives about the world into your classroom. 

To help us continue to align the Global Hub so it is a  valuable experience for us all, we invite you to give us your ideas on this Google Form.  Please feel free to share this feedback form with other educators interested in global learning. We hope you enjoy our new Global Hub and look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you