About the inquiry

This inquiry leads 4th grade students through an investigation of the Santa Fe Trail and its impact on communities, states, and nations. The compelling question, “For Better or Worse, How Did the Santa Fe Trail Change America?” gives students the opportunity to think deeper about the Santa Fe Trail and its impact on the United States. Students will be able to review the featured sources and complete the formative performance tasks, in order to gather evidence for analyzing and forming different points of view on the Santa Fe Trail. It is important that students be provided with all the featured sources included so that they can form well-supported arguments about the impacts of the trail.

Compelling Question

For Better or Worse, How Did the Santa Fe Trail Change America?

Staging Question

Discuss how new trails, roads, or sidewalks around the city have changed how people move and interact. Specifically focus on trails/roads/sidewalks that may impact students' lives.

Summative Performance Task

Argument: For better or worse, how did the Santa Fe Trail change America? Construct an argument that provides evidence on how America was changed for better, worse, or both in the 1800’s due to the Santa Fe Trail.

Extension: Students will work in groups of 3-4 to create an annotated map, video, or poster that explains how they think America was changed by the Santa Fe Trail. All projects will need to include pictures of the trail.

Taking Informed Action

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