About the inquiry

This 2016 Inquiry Challenge winner inquiry asks students to explore the cultural diversity in Appalachia. Students look across artisan crafts and artifacts, music, and literature to investigate their culture. Every place is home to someone and it is important to look at what makes each of our homes special. The culture students are looking at here is encapsulated in studying what they see, read, and hear. Teachers and students should note that there is no way to fully capture the richness and nuance of Appalachian life. Inferences can be made from the music and literary documents, but teachers and students should be aware that absence of sources can influence the interpretations that we develop of the past. This inquiry serves as a reminder to invite students, who have lived in Appalachia or who want to better understand the region, to bring in the world around them.

Compelling Question

What’s So Special about Appalachia?

Staging Question

Ask questions through the Question Formulation Technique aimed at identifying and exposing negative stereotypes in The Beverly Hillbillies

Summative Performance Task

Argument: What’s so special about Appalachia? Construct an argument (e.g., detailed outline, poster, essay) that addresses the compelling question using specific claims and relevant evidence from current and historical sources while acknowledging competing views.


Taking Informed Action

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