About the inquiry

This inquiry leads students through an investigation of the life, achievements, and mystery of Amelia Earhart and her disappearance. The compelling question, “Where did you go, Amelia Earhart?” engages students in discovering the legacy of Amelia Earhart from her youth to her disappearance. Students will use the sources provided by this inquiry to gather information to create a final video in which they act as a reporter on the life of Amelia. They will need to report the facts but also come up with a clear argument to support their reasoning for what they believe to be the most compelling theory of her disappearance. The provided sources are suitable for 3rd-5th grade but can be differentiated as necessary. Including in this inquiry are a variety of sources that may be especially useful for advanced students who have a deeper interest in this topic.

Compelling Question

Where did you go, Amelia Earhart?

Staging Question

Examine five objects that relate to the life of a “mystery person” (Amelia Earhart). As a class, brainstorm what those five objects may mean concerning the mystery person’s life. After discovering the mystery person’s name, discuss how each object represents a part of Earhart’s life. Finally, create an anchor chart that includes things they know about her life and things they want to know.

Summative Performance Task



Taking Informed Action


