
Inquiry at the heart of it all

The Ohio C3 Hub is home to powerful, teacher-created, culturally relevant inquires that get at the heart of Ohio’s history and culture with an emphasis on helping students commit to our shared democratic values.

The Ohio C3 Hub is a clearing house for powerful, teacher-created, culturally relevant inquires that get at the heart of Ohio’s history and culture. Ohio’s Learning Standards for Social Studies emphasize the importance of developing students’ civic competence, which is defined as “commitment to democratic values,” requiring the ability to:

  • use knowledge about one’s community, nation, and world;
  • apply inquiry processes; and
  • employ skills of data collection and analysis, collaboration, decision-making, and problem solving.

The inquiries included here are designed around the enduring questions at the heart social studies that help students best construct their understanding of the past and become active participants of society in the present. Grounded in a deep sense of Ohio’s historic place in the United States, this C3 Hub is designed to build community, inspire inquiry, and strengthen social studies education in Ohio and beyond.

Ohio History Connection takes very seriously its responsibilities to Tribal Nations. As a result, any images that are eligible, of items possibly separated from graves, and of items that are sacred and culturally sensitive will be reviewed by our American Indian Relations team before delivering the files.

The Ohio C3 hub is an ongoing product of state partnerships.


The Ohio C3 Hub was developed by partnerships with university colleges of education and numerous education not-for-profit organizations.

To find out more about our partners, visit BGSU, OCLRE, OCSS, OWU, and UC.

The Heart of Social Studies

Our Inquiry Collection

This collection of inquiries is consistently growing due our new partnership that includes a set of leveled trainings offered to teachers that generate unique, standards-based lessons for grades 8-12. All are built using the Inquiry Design Model and feature a blueprint with a description of how the inquiry might be taught. The collection currently includes full inquiries (3-5 days in length) but will soon include focused inquiries (1-2 days in length).

In this inquiry, students will explore the debate surrounding slavery in both the Northwest Ordinance (passed by the Confederation Congress) as well as the United States Constitution. By looking at draft versions of the document, debate surrounding the existence of slavery at the time of the Ordinance, and documents relating to its historical legacy, students will be empowered to decide whether the Northwest Ordinance helped or harmed the cause of abolitionists seeking to end the practice of slavery in the United States.

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This inquiry is designed to help students explore the history and application of the Fifteenth Amendment, a Reconstruction Amendment intended to guarantee suffrage in the United States. The inquiry includes links to sources and an excerpt  of Eric Foner’s book Second Founding as well as the excerpts of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

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In this inquiry, students will explore the ways that Native nations lived before and after European colonization, the reasons that Europeans colonized America, and the lasting impacts of that colonization on Native nations and on the land that they inhabited.

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