National Underground Railroad Freedom Center

Be Free and Inquiry

The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center is the preeminent cultural learning center for inclusive freedom — locally, nationally and globally with a mission is pursue inclusive freedom by promoting social justice for all, building on the principles of the Underground Railroad.

Be Free and Inquiry

Inquiries from the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center

The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center is the preeminent cultural learning center for inclusive freedom — locally, nationally and globally with a mission is pursue inclusive freedom by promoting social justice for all, building on the principles of the Underground Railroad. Our C3 Hub page provides access to a rich collection of inquiries delivering on the mission of the Center.

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In this inquiry, students analyze materials that reveal the historical relevance of literacy and evaluate the importance of literacy, authorship, and publishing for abolitionism.

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This inquiry leads students through an investigation of the concept of freedom and how it has applied to U.S. citizens, specifically white and Black Americans, since the Revolutionary War.

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Students will engage in social justice work by challenging normative thought regarding our nation’s founding documents. Students will consider the voices of those who were overlooked and disregarded as the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution were written and consider the lasting impact of this action.

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As students engage in the inquiry, they determine: What is the inclusive story of the founding of our nation?

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This inquiry leads students through an investigation of how history is told and the power of those telling the story.

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