
The Land of Inquiry

The Illinois C3 Hub is designed to support the teachers of Illinois in their C3 journey with rigorous inquiry-based instructional materials, detailed resources, and opportunities for teachers to find support from one another. All of the inquires on the Illinois Hub are created by Illinois teachers for Illinois teachers, using the C3 Framework and the Illinois Learning Standards for Social Studies. Below you’ll find inquiries developed teachers in districts around the state as well as, stories from the classroom, and other resources you can use to bring inquiry into your classroom.

The Berwyn North School District 98 is taking the lead in developing inquiries for teachers to use around the state of Illinois.

Inquiries in Berwyn

Berwyn, also known as “The City of Homes”, has been moving and shaking with inquiry based curriculum infused with C3 and the new Illinois Learning Standards for Social Science. Berwyn social studies educators are dedicated to cultivating our students’ civic potential through engagement with a relevant and engaging inquiry-based curriculum. We are committed to teaching students how to ask thought-provoking questions that will awaken their curiosity and spur them to take informed action on social, economic or political issues in their community.

Teachers in Berwyn Schools are digging in deep on the Inquiry Design Model and developing new materials for teaching using inquiry. Check back often to see the latest!

Acero Partnership Hub Inquiry Latin@

Latin@’s belong to a rich intellectual tradition made up of compelling historical and literary narratives. Some will see themselves in these stories, others will grow in kinship with their neighbors. All students deserve the opportunity to learn from these accounts and the Latin@ legacy of struggle and strength.

Curriculum designers from Acero Schools recognize the C3 framework as an extraordinary opportunity to create relevant curriculum materials for their predominantly Latin@ student body. See more about this inquiry work on the Acero Hub page – HERE