Inquiry Design Model (IDM) Book Series
You and your colleagues can have ready access to IDM through the printed word. The first book in the series, Inquiry-Based Practice in Social Studies Education: Understanding the Inquiry Design Model is on bookstore and Amazon now. Our second book, The Inquiry Design Model: Building Inquiries in Social Studies is available from the National Council for the the Social Studies and Amazon. Our newest in the series, Blueprinting an Inquiry-Based Curriculum: Planning with the Inquiry Design Model, will be out in November 2019.

Inquiry-Based Practice in Social Studies Education: Understanding the Inquiry Design Model
Our first IDM book presents a conceptual base for shaping the classroom experience through inquiry-based teaching and learning.
Using their Inquiry Design Model (IDM), Grant, Swan & Lee provide a detailed account of inquiry’s scholarly roots, as well as the rationale for viewing questions, tasks, and sources as inquiry’s foundational elements.

Inquiry Design Model: Building Inquiries in Social Studies
The second IDM book will walk readers through the process of designing an inquiry. Organized into three clear design phases (Framing, Filling, and Finishing an Inquiry), the Swan, Lee & Grant break down the components of the IDM blueprint and teach others how to create intellectually engaging and thoughtful inquiries. Foreword by Walter Parker.

Blueprinting an Inquiry-Based Curriculum: Planning with the Inquiry Design Model
Our third book in the series is intended for educators who want to speak fluent inquiry across a social studies course and throughout their schools and districts. In this book, we elaborate on the ideas presented in our first two books on the Inquiry Design Model (IDM) by pushing on the original model to think not just about a singular experience of inquiry, but inquiry as a routine practice in social studies classrooms. More importantly, this book honors the curricular dialects of IDM inquiry that have grown out of the experiences of teachers who have innovated with the original blueprint model and want even more from inquiry.

Inquiry Design Model: The Workbook
Inquiry-based teaching puts students in the middle of important ideas and events. The Inquiry Design Model helps teachers plan, teach, and assess those ideas and events in ways that position students to succeed. Inquiry Design Model: The Workbook was written as a companion to Inquiry Design Model: Building Inquiries in Social Studies. Together, the two books offer teachers a practical means of developing ambitious and relevant curriculum blueprints.