European History

This inquiry leads students through an investigation about International Brigade volunteers during the Spanish Civil War. To do so, it relies on the digital history exhibit Stories from the Spanish Civil War, created by the Northern Arizona University (NAU) Martin-Springer Institute (MSI). Teachers can use this lesson in a middle or high school World History class during a unit on the Interwar Period or WWII, or in a US History class during a unit on the Great Depression, the Interwar Years, or WWII.

The Heart of Social Studies


This inquiry leads students through an investigation about International Brigade volunteers during the Spanish Civil War. To do so, it relies on the digital history exhibit Stories from the Spanish Civil War, created by the Northern Arizona University (NAU) Martin-Springer Institute (MSI). Teachers can use this lesson in a middle or high school World History…

This inquiry leads students through an investigation of the ways in which people gain and exercise power. Power is a social phenomenon that comes in many forms. However, it is often the case that the ways that people achieve power helps to determine how that power is used. Although this compelling question is broad, the…

The compelling question “Can peace lead to war?” offers students an opportunity to explore the historic controversy surrounding the extent to which the Treaty of Versailles caused World War II. Students consider not only the stipulations of the peace treaty but also the nature of historical interpretation by following the voices of historians throughout the…

How did the Age of Reason writers influence the people of the 18th century to think differently about themselves and the world around them? How did their writings motivate people to take action to fight for their basic human inalienable rights and even launch violent revolutions for social and political freedoms to achieve it in…

This inquiry is framed by the compelling question “Can disease change the world?” Among the many catastrophic global pandemics in history, perhaps none achieved the notoriety of the Black Death. The Black Death was a massive outbreak of the bubonic plague caused by infectious bacteria. Thought by scientists to have been spread by contaminated fleas…

This inquiry uses the ancient and modern Olympic games as a context for students to explore the compelling question “Are the Olympics about more than sports?” The Olympics play an important role in modern society, bringing together athletes from around the world every four years to display and celebrate human athleticism; however, the Olympics are…

This tenth grade annotated inquiry leads students through an investigation of the French Revolution. Adolescent students are quite concerned with challenging authority and establishing their independence within the world; the concept of revolution brings those two concerns to their most world-altering levels. This inquiry gives students an entry point into thinking like historians about the…

This inquiry leads students through an investigation of the impacts of the printing press by examining its utility in society, both as an instrument to preserve cultural products of the past and as an agent of change. By investigating the compelling question “Did the printing press preserve the past or invent the future?” students evaluate…