About the inquiry

This inquiry focuses on the concept of religious freedom driven by the compelling question “Does religious freedom exist?” The question establishes the importance of religious freedom and tolerance as a way for students to learn about world religions. In learning more about the compelling question, students identify the major beliefs of world religions and begin to recognize similarities and differences. Through the examination of sources about the practices and geographic distribution of world religions, students develop a comparative understanding of major religions. They extend their emerging understanding by investigating how the concept of religious freedom has emerged over time and examining the current status of religious freedom around the world.

Compelling Question

Does Religious Freedom Exist?

Staging Question

Take part in a discussion in which students discuss what they know about different religious traditions.

Summative Performance Task

Argument: Does religious freedom exist? Construct an argument (e.g., detailed outline, poster, essay) that discusses whether religious freedom exists using specific claims and relevant evidence from historical sources while acknowledging competing views.


Taking Informed Action

Understand: Find current examples where people of different faiths coexist or are in conflict.

Assess: Determine what factors support this instance of faiths coexisting.

Act: Conduct an interfaith gallery walk or create a display of major religions that informs and celebrates the perspectives of these religions and addresses the concept of religious freedom.