About the inquiry

This inquiry examines the historical and contemporary factors surrounding the debate over Puerto Rico’s statehood. The compelling question “Should Puerto Rico be a state?” provides students with an opportunity to participate in the debate by focusing on national and cultural identities and the economic arguments for and against Puerto Rico’s statehood. The inquiry embeds Taking Informed Action throughout the Staging the Compelling Question and formative performance tasks and culminates in students taking part in an informed debate.

Compelling Question

Should Puerto Rico Be a State?

Staging Question

Discuss the 2012 vote* on Puerto Rico’s statehood.

Summative Performance Task

Argument: Construct an argument (e.g., detailed outline, poster, essay) that addresses the compelling question using specific claims and relevant evidence from historical sources while acknowledging competing views.

Extension: Prepare a brief from the debate summarizing the wide range of positions presented on the question of Puerto Rico’s statehood.

Taking Informed Action

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