About the inquiry

This inquiry leads students through an investigation of maps and spatial representation, exploring how and why we depict the physical world the way we do on maps. The compelling question “Can my life fit on a map?” encourages students to consider our ability to represent real-world places on a map. In doing so, students explore the meaning and purpose of maps, the tools that help us represent places, the purposes of those tools, and how we use those tools to read and make maps. This inquiry provides a foundation for students to develop their geographic reasoning and map literacy, both of which are critical to understanding how humans interact with geography and geographic features across time and space. The manner in which students gather, compare and contextualize, and eventually apply evidence should enable them to make and support their arguments in response to the compelling question.

Compelling Question

Can My Life Fit on a Map?

Staging Question

Brainstorm the components of the term “my life.”

Summative Performance Task

Argument: Can my life fit on a map? Construct an argument supported by evidence that addresses whether or not all the parts of your life can fit on a map.

Extension: Pick another place that is an important part of your life and research the natural and manmade features in and around it. Make another map showing this place and include a title, symbols, map key, and compass rose.

Taking Informed Action

Understand: Research a place in or near your school where there is an empty lot or unused land. Brainstorm a list of ideas for how to transform the space. From those ideas, create a map with a title, symbols, and compass rose to represent those ideas for using the space.

Assess: Bring the maps and ideas to a school or local official to review.

Act: Conduct a fundraiser at school with the help of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) or another group to raise money to create the selected project.