About the inquiry

This inquiry is an exploration into governments around the world; it examines how the fundamental principles of governments vary in different world communities with diverse political systems. In uncovering the idea that the role of citizens varies in governments around the world, students develop an argument supported by evidence that answers the compelling question “Does it matter how leaders are chosen?”

Compelling Question

Does it matter how leaders are chosen?

Staging Question

Discuss whether leaders are necessary.

Summative Performance Task

Argument: Does it matter how leaders are chosen? Construct an argument (e.g., detailed outline, poster, essay) that addresses the compelling question using specific claims and relevant evidence from contemporary sources while acknowledging competing views.


Taking Informed Action

Understand: Accomplished through Performance Tasks 1 and 2

Assess: Accomplished through Performance Task 3

Act: Create a public service announcement about the role of voting to share with the rest of the school before the next school election.