About the inquiry

This inquiry provides students with an introduction to a historical example of religious tolerance and cooperation as it evolved in Islamic Spain, also known as Al-Andalus. Muslims settled in Spain and took control from Christian Visigoths in the 8th century. Over the six centuries of Muslim rule in Spain, Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived side by side, sometimes in conflict but more often in harmony. This inquiry examines the establishment of Al-Andalus as an emirate of the Umayyad Caliphate and later as a caliphate of its own in 926 CE. The inquiry provides students with an opportunity to examine the establishment of the caliphate of Córdoba as a center of knowledge, innovation, and religious tolerance.

Compelling Question

Was the Caliphate of Córdoba a Success?

Staging Question

Using the United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week as a context, students discuss the role of dialogue among people of different religious faiths.

Summative Performance Task

Argument: Construct an argument (e.g., detailed outline, poster, essay) that addresses the compelling question using specific claims and relevant evidence from historical sources while acknowledging competing views.

Extension: Present the argument in an interfaith dialogue about the history of the caliphate of Córdoba.

Taking Informed Action

Understand: Determine the extent to which Muslims, Jews, and Christians are represented in a nearby community.

Assess: Identify ways that Muslims, Jews, and Christians coexist in a nearby community today.

Act: Invite a knowledgeable representative from each of the three religions to clarify and explain cultural traditions.