About the inquiry

The third-grade annotated inquiry focuses on the concept of universal human rights and fair treatment of all people through the compelling question “Do people around the world care about children’s rights?” This question highlights the idea that human rights, including the right to have one’s basic needs met, are to be universally ensured and protected. Around the world there are many instances of human rights violations, but there are also individuals, groups, and nations who work to protect and defend human rights. The focus on children’s rights—the idea that children have unique rights that apply to them as nonadult members of the global citizenry—offers students an opportunity to examine the idea that they have rights and to understand that they can have an impact on the world.


Compelling Question

Do People around the World Care about Children’s Rights?

Staging Question

Brainstorm what it means to have rights and to care about them.

Summative Performance Task

Argument: Do people around the world care about children’s rights? Construct an argument, supported by evidence, which addresses this question.

Extension: Express students’ arguments through a class discussion using the Take a Stand protocol.

Taking Informed Action

Understand: Brainstorm a list of issues related to children’s rights around the world, for which the class might construct a public service announcement.

Assess: Determine how a public service announcement could influence the protection of children’s rights.

Act: Choose one issue and construct a public service announcement that could be submitted for broadcast during the school announcements.