10th Grade

The compelling question “Can peace lead to war?” offers students an opportunity to explore the historic controversy surrounding the extent to which the Treaty of Versailles caused World War II. Students consider not only the stipulations of the peace treaty but also the nature of historical interpretation by following the voices of historians throughout the inquiry. While progressing through the inquiry, students consider the original vision of the Treaty of Versailles, the conditions of the treaty itself, and the reactions to the treaty both at the time and by modern-day historians.

The Heart of Social Studies


The compelling question “Can peace lead to war?” offers students an opportunity to explore the historic controversy surrounding the extent to which the Treaty of Versailles caused World War II. Students consider not only the stipulations of the peace treaty but also the nature of historical interpretation by following the voices of historians throughout the…

This inquiry leads students through the political, social, geographic, and economic changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain between roughly the years of 1760 and 1840. By investigating the compelling question “How did the Industrial Revolution move people?” students consider the ways in which movement (e.g., people, goods, services) affects a person’s…

This inquiry leads students through an investigation of modernization and development in three African countries: Kenya, Botswana, and Algeria. By investigating the compelling question “Does development mean progress?” students focus on the characteristics of development in these countries and respond to the challenges that each country faces in light of modernization. The inquiry is designed…

This inquiry leads students through an investigation of the efforts made by individuals, organizations, and institutions that eventually resulted in the end of apartheid in 1994. By investigating the compelling question “What ended apartheid?” students focus on the policies of apartheid and consider the various endeavors to end this system of racial separation and constitutional…

Between 1899 and 1901, in what became known as the Boxer Rebellion, a Chinese secret organization called the Society of the Righteous and Harmonious Fists led an uprising in northern China against foreign imperialism and associated Christian missionary activity. Western powers, including the United States, intervened and defeated Chinese forces. This inquiry investigates the multifaceted…

This tenth grade annotated inquiry leads students through an investigation of the French Revolution. Adolescent students are quite concerned with challenging authority and establishing their independence within the world; the concept of revolution brings those two concerns to their most world-altering levels. This inquiry gives students an entry point into thinking like historians about the…